Welcome To Your One-Stop PAUT Shop

The Sound Choice for Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing Solutions

Eddyfi Technologies: Your One-Stop PAUT Shop

At Eddyfi Technologies, we eliminate the guesswork from phased array ultrasonic testing. Our expert team has crafted dedicated packages for both common and niche inspection applications, addressing the unique demands of your role as an NDT inspector with comprehensive, turnkey solutions.

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Discover our PAUT packages for...

Corrosion Mapping

Our instruments utilize semi-automated or motorized scanners for precise data acquisition, ensuring 100% coverage and high Probability of Detection (PoD). Eddyfi Technologies’ corrosion scanners provide efficient coverage for diverse geometries, ensuring thorough corrosion mapping.

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Corrosion Mapping

High Temperature Hydrogen Attack

Our portable PAUT systems, including Mantis™, Gekko®, and TOPAZ®, offer all ultrasonic techniques recommended by the American Petroleum Institute, enabling comprehensive High Temperature Hydrogen Attack, or HTHA, inspections.

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High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA)

Boiler Tube and Small Diameter Pipe Weld Inspection

Equip yourself with a state-of-the-art toolkit including specialized probes and wedges for inspecting boiler tubes and small-diameter pipes with PAUT precision.

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Advanced Weld Inspection for Boiler Tubes and Small Diameter Pipes

Austenitic Stainless Steel Weld Inspection

Standard linear probes often fall short for austenitic welds. Our specialized packages enhance flaw detection and characterization, providing optimized solutions for both standard and niche applications.

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Advanced Weld Inspection for Austenitic Stainless Steel

Carbon Steel Plate and Pipe Weld Inspection

Adaptable to various materials, geometries, and weld specifications, our PAUT and Time-of-Flight Diffraction (ToFD) solutions meet current demands and anticipate future challenges.

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Carbon Steel Plate and Pipe Weld Inspection

Wet Hydrogen Sulfide Damage

Encoded examinations with our scanners ensure 100% component coverage, lifetime data storage, and offline analysis, enhancing reliability for challenging Wet Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) inspections.

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Wet Hydrogen Sulfide Damage

Train Axle Inspection

Detect corrosion and cracks in train axles efficiently without removing them from the bogie. Our method reduces human error and provides quick results when paired with our leading PAUT instruments.

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Train Axle Inspection

Why Choose Eddyfi Technologies?

  • Comprehensive Solutions: Tailored to meet your unique inspection challenges.
  • Expert Training and Support: Access to Eddyfi Academy and expert guidance.
  • Streamlined Process: Readily available, on-the-shelf stocked items on Eddyfi eStore reduce lead times and costs.
  • Custom Solutions: Application-specific probes to address unique challenges. View PAUT probe catalog.
  • Commitment to Excellence: Meeting strict regulatory standards and codes.

Contact Us Today

Ready to optimize your inspection processes? Get in touch with our experts to customize your PAUT solutions. Contact Us